Player Rankings • Player Profile
Hunter Crute IV • Class of 2021 • Punters
FBS Power 5 Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FBS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FCS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick or FBS PWO
D2, D3, NAIA Prospect or FCS PWO
D2, D3 or NAIA Developing Prospect
High School Starter
Developing High School Player
Hunter  Crute IV
Name: Hunter Crute IV
Player Ranking:
Grad Year: 2021
State: NC
Country: United States
Pro Team:
Height: 6-0
Weight: 185
Student Since: 2018
Last Evaluation: 3-20


Player Review
Hunter is a very good young high school punting and kicking prospect. A good looking athlete with nice future college potential. He punts for a nice combination of distance and hang time. Hunter is averaging 40 yards with solid hang time. His consistency is improving each time we see him. Also a capable kicker. He hits a nice ball on field goal and has 50 yard range. His kickoffs are coming along nicely, nearing college ready. Hunter has the ability to take his game to the next level with continued hard work. Hunter is a fine young man that is always a pleasure to work with. Look for him have a big 2020 off season with CSK. Hunter should do very well at Vegas XXXVI in May. Nice combo prospect.
Other Notes:
Combo Player K/P

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