Player Rankings • Player Profile
Hunter Reed • Class of 2017 • Kickers
FBS Power 5 Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FBS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FCS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick or FBS PWO
D2, D3, NAIA Prospect or FCS PWO
D2, D3 or NAIA Developing Prospect
High School Starter
Developing High School Player
Hunter Reed
Name: Hunter Reed
Player Ranking:
Grad Year: 2017
State: IL
Country: United States
Offers & Commitment:(NEW) UNDECIDED
Pro Team:
Height: 5-10
Weight: 175
Student Since: 2016
Last Evaluation: 1-16


Player Review
Hunter is a solid high school kicking prospect. He is a dependable field goal kicker that makes kicks off the ground. Field goals are a strength. Kickoffs are slightly behind field goals, but show promise. He needs to work on getting consistent hang time to move further up the rankings. He has the tools to challenge at the college level with continued hard work. One to keep a close eye one.

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