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Top 12


In order to create the maximum amount of targeted exposure for our athletes we have decided to make a few changes. These new changes will allow us to showcase which Long Snappers are truly ready to compete at the next level.

At each of the Vegas Events, JAN VEGAS and MAY VEGAS, Chris Sailer and Chris Rubio will select 20 athletes that dominated each camp and they feel could potentially be ready for the next level.

They will also have a maximum of FIVE Wild Card invites each that they can give throughout the year. Their choice. Any camp. All on Sailer and Rubio and what they have seen and/or read about throughout the year.

Now, here is where things REALLY get interesting. During the summer, at The TOP 12 camp  (the term “Event Elite” is officially retired), not only will the athletes have to perform on the field, they will have to perform off the field as well. Each athlete will undergo a full interview process along with several meetings so that we can really grasp who they are and how they will handle the life of a college and/or pro athlete.

As soon as each Kicker, Punter or Long Snapper receives their respective invitation to this prestigious camp, they will be issued a black shirt with yellow writing. At the end of the camp, when we unveil the TOP 12, each one of those campers will receive the elusive yellow shirt.

Stay with us here, The TOP 12 will be chosen at the end of the camp. They will be selected at individual meetings in a war room at the end of camp while the other participants will be waiting and feeling the pressure, wondering “How many spots are left?”

They will be selected by their mental and physical ability over the three days of the camp.

Now, we will REALLY get to see who are The TOP 12 of Chris Sailer Kicking and The TOP 12 of Rubio Long Snapping!  

This camp is open ONLY to those invited personally by Chris Sailer. You are chosen to attend this camp by performing extremely well at either the January or May National Snapping Events in Las Vegas. Do NOT sign up for this camp unless you have been formally invited by Sailer.


  • Parents are allowed to attend, but most do not.

  • Athletes will need spending money for snacks and meals ($10-$20 per meal).

  • We recommend a carry-on size bag for clothing.

  • Bring swim trunks for the BELLY FLOP Contest :)


Player Profile

AJ Carty



Player Profile

AJ Covan



Player Profile

AJ Vinatieri 



Player Profile

Aaron Brewer



Player Profile

Aaron Medley



Player Profile

Aaron Perez



Player Profile

Aaron Perez



Player Profile

Adam Krause            



Player Profile

Adam Stack



Player Profile
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