Player Rankings • Player Profile
Hunter McClure • Class of 2019 • Long Snappers
FBS Power 5 Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FBS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FCS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick or FBS PWO
D2, D3, NAIA Prospect or FCS PWO
D2, D3 or NAIA Developing Prospect
High School Starter
Developing High School Player
Hunter McClure
Name: Hunter McClure
Player Ranking:
Grad Year: 2019
State: CA
Offers & Commitment:(NEW) UNDECIDED
Pro Team:
Height: 5'6
Weight: 200
Student Since: 2015
Last Evaluation: 10/16
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Player Review
Hunter showed me some good things at the Rubio Long Snapping fall camp in CA on October 30, 2016. He is a large Long Snapper with good power throughout his body. Now, I just want to see him use ALL of his size to increase the speed of the ball. Good starting form and his speed will increase once he leans back a bit more and really drives his head through. Falling forward after the snap will make Hunter lose accuracy and speed. Pop is pretty solid and he has a good base. I am interested to see his improvement by VEGAS XXIX.

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