Player Rankings • Player Profile
Hunter Womac • Class of 2015 • Long Snappers
FBS Power 5 Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FBS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick
FCS Freshman Year Starter, Scholarship Pick or FBS PWO
D2, D3, NAIA Prospect or FCS PWO
D2, D3 or NAIA Developing Prospect
High School Starter
Developing High School Player
Hunter Womac
Name: Hunter Womac
Player Ranking:
Class Rank: 56
Grad Year: 2015
State: GA
Country: United States
Offers & Commitment:(NEW) UNDECIDED
Pro Team:
Height: 6'3
Weight: 200
GPA: 3.0
Student Since: 2011
Last Evaluation: 11/14
Highlight Videos

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Player Review
Womac had a very productive day at the Rubio Long Snapping fall camp in GA. Right off the bat, you will notice Womac's frame and how he will easily be able to fill it in over the next couple of years. He is built VERY long and should be able to throw on about 50 lbs over the next four to five years. He has improved immensely over the past couple of years with his snapping. His form is very solid and he is snapping with confidence. Need to see him make sure he is driving his head through without hesitation and that the spiral is locked down. Two easy fixes will make MASSIVE improvements by VEGAS XXV. Good attitude and tons of upside.

Womac is coming along nicely. His frame is built VERY long and he can easily snap at the D1 level, at times, and showed me that at the Rubio Long Snapping summer camp in GA. He continues to grow at a rapid pace and when he does, he needs to make sure he continues to widen out his stance so he can get his upper half through. I don't want to see him rigid at all. I want to see him loose with his arms and his legs. I want to see him use his arms like a whip to create more speed. With more size and strength, comes more power and moving up the charts. Work horse. Good attitude. HUGE upside. 7/14
Average 15 yard snap time at the 12th Annual Spring Event in Las Vegas: .78
Average 40 yard dash time at the 12th Annual Spring Event in Las Vegas: 5.17


Named one of the top Long Snappers at the Troy University Camp - 2014

Average 15 yard snap time at the 12th Annual Event: .843
Average 40 yard dash at the 12th Annual Event: 4.98
Average time for a 15 yard snap at the 10th Annual Spring Event: .826

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